Wedge Star Tool Sew Along Block 1- Wedge Block
Posted by Lois Plantt on
For this sew along you are going to need some additional tools:-
Rotary cutter
Cutting mat
Ruler for squaring your blocks
Marking tool
Invisigrip or similar clear cling tape
Highlighter Tape
Fine tip marker
Pressing board
Best press
Seam ripper
Fine pins
The Wedge Star Tool
Read over the instructions, familiarize yourself with the 3 sections of the tool and explore the cutting chart. We will be going into this further as we begin making our blocks but it is nice to have an idea of what we (we being me and Deb Tucker) are talking about… DO NOT BE is easy once you know how!!
I am using fabric from the ‘Quotation by Zen Chic’ line, which you will find on our online store, but you may use anything your heart desires!! You may make each block using different fabrics or a collection of blocks from the same fabric and join them to make a runner, pillow, baby quilt or 4-3” blocks joined together to make a mug rug!!
The sky's the limit with these blocks!!
Block 1:- Wedge Block
This is the simplest of the 10 blocks but will teach you how the tool works as well as the various steps in creating a perfect block, with perfect points and perfect ¼” seam allowances!!!
After you select the size you would like your block to be, refer to the Cutting Chart in the instructions for the size of pieces you will need. I have chosen 14” and have placed a piece of highlighter tape on this line of the chart to make it easier to remember where I am !!
Looking across this chart I see I need a large wedge strip that is 8” and my corner squares need to be 5 ¾”.
Referring to the ‘Wedge Block’ instructions 2.0 I can see the layout of the pieces for the Wedge Block. I can see that I need 8 large wedges and 4 corner triangles and since I am making a basic block I am using 2-8” strips of different fabrics and a third fabric for my corner Triangles.
Step 2.01-Cut your wedges ensuring the fabric is lined up with the measurement of your strips ( 8”) and the top of your strip is lined up with that tiny black mark on the tip of the tool.
Cut 4 wedges from each fabric.

Step 2.02-Cut TWO squares from your corner fabric and then cut in half diagonally to create 4 corner triangles.

Step 2.03- LAY OUT YOUR WEDGES!!!! Did I get your attention? Hope so!!! Following this step helps keep your seam ripper sharp and your frustration levels low!!! Pick up 2 wedges that are side by side and place right sides together ensuring you are placing the proper one on top.
Step 2.04- Stitch the two pieces together using a ¼” S.A. and begin stitching at the point.
If you have a single hole needle plate, now is the time to use it and make sure you have a new, sharp needle in your machine These steps will help prevent the fabric being ‘eaten’ by your machine.
Repeat for the remaining units, ensuring you have the SAME color on top each time. Create four units.
Step 2.05- Press seams open.
Step 2.06- Remove the dog ears!!!!

Step 2.07-Stitch two units together to create a half circle. Repeat with remaining units.

Step 2.08- Stitch the two halves together and press seam allowances open.
Watch the video here Matching Center Points
Steps 2.09 to Step 2.15 are the directions for TRIMMING the center block prior to adding the corners. This is probably the most difficult part of these blocks and requires the greatest accuracy. But it really is simple, once you understand the process, and will give you TOTAL PERFECTION in your block!!!
Step 2.09- Determine where the ‘corners’ are going. Mine are going on the black wedges.
Step 2.10- Mark the center points of the wedges you are adding the “corners” to. Place the point of the ruler on the center of the block, line the centerline of the tool with the seam line of the block and mark the wedge you will be stitching the corner to. Mine is marked on the black fabric.

Step 2.11- Find the center dimension on the chart for your block (remember that highlighter tape?) Place a strip of cling tape on the BACK of your tool. Place the tool face down on a flat surface.
Step 2.12-Measure from the flat (bottom) edge of the wedge tool to the measurement for the Block Center Dimension from the chart. Make sure the cling tape is within this area and make a mark on the cling tape, that you put on the BACK of the Wedge Tool, using a permanent marker, at this measurement.(As you can see in the picture below, my measurement was 7 ¼” to the center and my block will finish at 14”)

Step 2.13-Place the block on your cutting mat and the wedge tool on the block, right side up.
Align the mark you created on one designated ‘corner’ of your block with the center bottom edge of the tool as shown in figure 2.13 to 2.15 of instructions.
Ensure the centerline of the tool intersects the center of the block and the line you made on the ruler intersects the center point of the block.
At this point check how much is extending beyond the edge of the tool as this is the amount to be trimmed and should not be more than ¼”.
Step 2.14-Trim along the flat edge of the tool.
Step 2.15- Repeat steps 2.13 and 2.14 to trim the other three ‘corners’.
Step 2.16- Fold a Corner Triangle in half along the long side to find the center and place on a trimmed wedge. Place the right sides together with raw edges aligned.

Step 2.17-Stitch in place and press, I pressed to the corner but you can press however the least bulk is created. Repeat with remaining corners.
Step 2.18- Once again pull that highlighter tape out of your tool box and use it to mark the Block Center Dimension on your ruler. Note two pieces of tape on my ruler at the 7 1/4" mark, this creates the center point for my block. Continue to trim as indicated in instruction if your block is 12 1/2" or less.
Step 2.19- If your block is larger than 12 1/2" refer to the video below to see how Deb Tucker trims it!!!
Wedge Star Large Block Trim Down

Ta Da!!! You have now completed your first block and next week, as well as show you the second block in our series, I am going to add a special treat!!!! Stay tuned....................