Wedge Star Sew Along-Block 6-Block 'A'Freelancer
Posted by Lois Plantt on
Wedge Star Sew Along Block 6
Block ‘A’ Freelancer
You have been doing so well with the various blocks we have explored, so far….let us step it up a bit and go for a project!!
This is just a combination of 3 blocks (two of them are repeated 4 times) with different placements of the colors. So your job is to ensure the proper placement of the fabrics and the proper orientation of the blocks, within the project.
Each week for the next three we are going to feature one of the three blocks.
First thing you need to do is decide how big you want your project to be. Do you want a coaster, a pillow, a centerpiece, a baby quilt…..these are some of the possibilities that popped into my head what do you have in yours?
Remember the smaller the blocks you choose the smaller the pieces you will be working with and the more seam allowances you will be dealing with. There are a total of 156 pieces in the 9 blocks so if you choose to make the 3” blocks (the smallest) you will have 156 pieces in a 9” x 9” finished project. That is a challenge some of you will love and some will loath!
If you make the 24” blocks your project will finish at 72” x 72”. Pick according to your skill level and the size you would like. Also remember these sizes do not include borders so can be made bigger depending upon what you add. I have picked the 12 inch blocks which will give me a 36 inch project, unless I choose to add borders to that!!
Let’s pick some fabrics!
I have included a link to the coloring chart here which you can download, print and play with to see what you would like for your color combination.
I have chosen some spring colors in Bella Solids with a white on white for my background which you will see in my pictures.
You may choose to cut all your pieces at once, as I have done, this way I am sure I have enough fabric as well as the ability to, roughly, calculate what I need.
You will find what pieces you need in which colors above the picture of the Freelancer quilt and can do a rough calculation of the number of strips you will need for each piece by measuring the base of the wedges ie; 1.5 x the base measurement (**TIP** the width of the strip is equal to the base of the wedge!!!!) will be the number of inches you need for two wedges.
Example the base of the small triangle for a 12” block is 4.25 inches.
4.25 x 1.5= 6.37
I rounded this number up to 6.5” for 2 wedges so for 1 wedge I need
6.5 divided by 2=3.25”. From one strip I will get 13 wedges (43 divided by 3.25) now I know I will need 2 strips of the dark (coral) and 3 strips of background (white) for my small wedges.
You can work out the remaining fabrics using these techniques to determine the large wedges, diamonds and squares.
I have used:-
Coral for the Dark
Yellow for the Light
Green for the Medium
White for the Background
Cut, bag and label your pieces and you are ready to begin sewing!!
We are starting with the ‘Wedge Block’ which we did the very first time we used this ruler.
There are no special instructions other than laying the pieces out and sewing together in the proper orientation. I have the colors I used in my block in brackets for reference as to placement.
For this block you will need:-
2 large light wedges(yellow)
1 large dark wedge(coral)
5 large background wedges(white)
2 dark corner triangles(green)
2 medium corner rectangles(coral)
Lay these out pieces out as in the block below and sew together using the techniques you learned doing Wedge Block !

I do hope you do not think this is the end of this week's work because it is not! Now that you have mastered one block you just have to make three more exactly the same!!
Have fun picking and sewing and see you next week!