Bench Pillows for All Seasons
Sunflower Patch
Posted by Lois Plantt on

Sunflower Patch I’m running a little late on this month’s pillow, as fall approaches I hope things start to slow down, as I’m looking forward to finishing and starting several sewing projects. As I was working of this pillow, I thought what a great table runner it would have made. Don’t be afraid to change things up and get creative, it doesn’t always have to be a pillow. As always, the instructions are well written and easy to follow, the following are a few tips and reminders. - Take note when tracing the stems and leaves, that some are reversed....
Smooth Sailing
Posted by Lois Plantt on

Smooth Sailing Welcome to August and smooth sailing! Pull out all those colourful fabrics to create some cute fish. This pillow is very straight forward, so let’s get started! Follow instructions for cutting and preparing applique. Take note when preparing applique that there are a few that are reversed in the instructions. Completing the pillow front Step 1 – be sure to place the bottom of the boat at the edge of fabric as shown in photo. Complete applique and set aside. Anyone that does applique knows it’s easier to work with a smaller piece. At...
Maple Leaf Forever!
Posted by Lois Plantt on

Celebrate Canada Day This month’s pillow cover is a celebration of Canada Day, but as you can see by the pillow cover on page 25 our designer is American. I have basically redesigned the pillow to celebrate Canada Day, but if you want to follow the instructions in the book you can simply change up your fabrics to Canadian themes and colours. The following instructions will be the ones I used to make the pillow pictured above. Cut your fabric for the front of the pillow as follows: Cut two side panels 14.5 wide x 16.5 long, cut one middle...
Bee Happy
Posted by Lois Plantt on

Bench Pillows Bee Happy Welcome back everyone, pull out those crazy fabric pieces you have been wondering what you were going use them for. This pillow is a great stash buster, and you can make it as colourful as you like. Let us get started. I cut all my fabric as per instructions, with the exception of the blue tonal background, which I cut at 11” x 35”. There is a lot of applique on this piece, so I allowed for some shifting of the fabric. Do not forget to best press you background piece 2 or 3 times...
May is for Mothers
Posted by Lois Plantt on

Bench Pillows 'May is for Mothers' I had so much fun making the May pillow cover. I love the dimensional aspects the padded applique brings to the project. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did. Let’s get started. Following the very beautifully written instructions for completing the pillow front, prepare your applique. The only issue I found was page 19, step #3 in the placement of the long branch. I did place it as shown in Figure 1, 7 ½ “ but I found when I placed my bird there was not a lot of room,...