Sew Along With June-Playful Precut Quilts
Sew Along With June-Block 2
Posted by Lois Plantt on

Rise and Shine Everyone and welcome to Block Two of the Threads that Bind Playful Precuts Sew Along. I hope you are all keeping busy sewing and keep your stress levels down along with it. I can’t say enough about this book, Playful Precut Quilts. It has so many ideas for you to use some of those precuts you have on hand or about to buy from Threads that Bind. Last time they used two different blocks together to make the cutest little cat quilt. This time they are only using the one block throughout the quilt. Making it the...
Sew Along With June- Block 1
Posted by Lois Plantt on

For my sample I will be using various precuts of the line, Folktale by Lella Boutique for Moda, which is available at the store. But you can use which ever line strikes your fancy…or use your stash (oops, sorry, COLLECTION of fabric) The choice is yours. Go calm and sedate, wild and wonderful or somewhere in between. I will be able to get all of the blocks out of a charm pack and a jelly roll…plus background fabric and some left over. I am starting out with half a metre. You will also need the usual quilting supplies: rulers, rotary...