Wedge Star Tool Sew Along- Block 2-Wedge Star Block

Posted by Lois Plantt on

Wedge Star Tool
 Block 2
 Wedge Star Block


 This is the second of the blocks we will be working on and has a few more steps than the first one did. When finished you will see, by simply following the steps in the instructions, you will achieve absolute, undeniably perfect points! 


Step 1.00-For this block you will need 8 diamonds,16 small wedges and 2 corner squares. I am making my block the same as the instructions therefore will need 8 each of  2 colors for the small wedges (8 + 8= 16!!).


 I again have chosen 14” as my finished size and looking across (the line I have highlighted with my trusty highlighter tape!!) the Cutting Chart I see I will need the strips cut 3 ½” for the diamonds and 4 ¾” for the small wedges and 2- 5 ¾” squares for the corners. 


 Step 1.01-Line the ¼” mark on the Wedge Star tool along the top (cut) edge of the Diamond strip and butt your cutting ruler against the edge of the Wedge Star tool as shown in the diagram.Make your first cut using the cutting ruler as a guide.



 You will be cutting diamonds using your rectangular ruler from the diamond strip.  Move your ruler across the strip lining the required measurement (the same as the width of this strip) to the first cut you made. My diamonds are cut from a 3 ½” strip therefore the diamond cuts are 3 ½” (easy math)! Cut 8 diamonds from the diamond strip, stopping and checking the 45 degree angle frequently.

Complete Steps 1.02 - 1.04 as in the previous block.


Piecing the Diamond Wedges

Step 1.06- Lay out the diamonds and wedges as shown.


Step 1.07-Take the small wedge from the right hand side and place it RIGHT side down on the Diamond, match the point and align the right hand side.

Step 1.08-Flip the unit (the diamond is now on top) and stitch (1/4” S.A.) from the pointed end of the triangle to the base.

Press S.A. towards the diamond. Align ruler with edge of diamond and trim ‘dog ear’ from the triangle.

Step 1.09- Take a wedge from the left pile and position on the opposite side of the diamond right sides together.

Step 1.10- Flip the unit and stitch ¼” S.A. as in step 1.08. Press the S.A. towards the wedge you added 

Complete the 8 Diamond units following steps 1.06 to 1.10


Step 1.11- Trimming the units.                                                                       Place a diamond unit on cutting mat right side up. Place the tool on the unit as in the picture below.                                                                                         Note the 14 mark on the tool is lined up with the point of the diamond unit. My block is finishing at 14", the point of your diamond will line up with the number representing the size of block you have chosen as in diagram.

Trim both edges.

Step 1.12 - Lay out the wedges as in the diagram, ensuring you are placing in the order you wish . 

Because you pressed everything as directed (which I know you did)…. you will find the S.A. are nesting perfectly!! Beginning at the point, stitch together in units of two wedges. Press  S.A. open.

 Proceed as in Block 1 to finish Block 2.


 When trimming this block, you will find, you have an additional ‘check point’ as the diagonal line on the square will line up with the ‘points’ on the ‘star’. Use this to your advantage!!!

Check out those points! That is all the fault of the Wedge Star Tool and Studio 180's directions!!

What a pretty star!!!

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